Candle Tunnelling 101

Candle Tunnelling 101

Candle Tunnelling can be frustrating, but fear not! We have a straightforward solution that will keep your candles burning beautifully.

Prevention is key, and it starts with the very first burn.

To avoid Candle Tunnelling, ensure that each time you light your candle, the entire top surface of the wax melts completely.

This is particularly crucial during the initial burn. The duration will vary based on the candle's size, but remember this handy rule: burn your candle for one hour per every inch of its diameter.

Let's take an example: if your candle has a diameter of 3 inches, plan to let it burn for approximately 3 hours before extinguishing it.

This allows the wax to pool evenly, eliminating the risk of tunneling and maximizing the candle's lifespan.

By following this simple practice, you can enjoy candles that last longer and burn more beautifully. No more wasted wax or uneven burns!

So, the next time you light a candle, keep in mind this easy-to-follow guide.

Say goodbye to tunneling and embrace the full potential of your candles. Let their warm glow and enchanting aromas fill your space, creating an ambiance that delights the senses.

Remember, a little patience goes a long way in achieving a flawless and enjoyable candle-burning experience.

Happy candle burning!

Making candles is an art which requires delicated and understandable work before you move forward, the dedicated you are, the better!

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How to make soy votive candle

How to make soy votive candle

Soy Votive Candle:

Step 1 - Measure out the wax in step one.

Weighing out the necessary amount of wax is a good idea. Per pound of wax, around eight votive candles can be produced.

Step 2 - Cut the soy votive candle wax in step two.

The votive waxes can be difficult to cut. With a utility knife, the wax is scored for this example. The remaining slab is then placed on the scored piece, and pressure is given to aid in breaking the wax on the score.

The remaining slab is then placed on the scored piece, and pressure is given to aid in breaking the wax on the score. To obtain the wax in pieces small enough to fit in the pouring pot, you might need to repeat this process a few times. You can weigh the wax inside the pouring pot rather than transferring it from another container.

Third step: Melt the wax

Depending on the wax you've chosen, the wax needs to be heated to a temperature between 175°F and 185°F. Place the pouring pot in the sauce pan with approximately an inch of water in it to create a double boiler.

To raise the pouring pot, it is a good idea to place a cheap metal trivet or cookie cutter underneath. By doing this, you can be sure that no side is directly heating the wax. Set the thermostat to medium-low.

To make sure the soy votive candle wax is not getting too hot, check its temperature from time to time. As necessary, alter the temperature. You can proceed with the remaining stages while the wax is melting, but always keep an eye on it.

Step 4: Get your votive moulds ready.

Create your votive moulds while the wax is melting. The production procedure may have left a tiny film of oil within the moulds even though they are brand new. The wax should be poured into spotless moulds for the prettiest looking candles. Use a paper towel and a tiny bit of mould cleaner to thoroughly clean the inside of the moulds.

Step 5: Set your votive moulds out.

Make it simple for you to pour into the moulds by organising them. Having them in a single row close to the edge of your work area may make them simpler to reach if you are creating a large quantity. Make sure they are not too close to the edge where they could fall off.

Step 6: Measure and add the fragrance oil

You are prepared to add the fragrance oil once the wax has reached the right temperature. Per pound of wax, you might add 0.5 to 1.0 ounces of fragrance, depending on the type of wax you're using. The usual ratio is 1 ounce of scent to 1 pound of wax.

Step 7 - Measure & add dye (using dye blocks)

Add the amount of dye that you want next. When utilising dye blocks, cutting the block into little pieces will help it melt into the wax more rapidly. Stir the mixture once the correct amount has been added to ensure a smooth blend.

If you are using colour blocks, skip to step 9.

Step 8 - Measure & add dye (using liquid dye)

Add the required number of droplets when using liquid dyes. Since dye cannot be taken out once it has been put, it should only be used in little amounts, especially if you want a pale colour. If it isn't black enough, you can always add a little more. Stir the mixture once the correct amount has been added to ensure a smooth blend.

Step 9 - Test your color, Add UV Stabilizer & Pour the wax mixture.

You can drip a tiny amount of wax onto a paper plate or paper towel to check the colour. Avoid getting the hot wax on your hands. You will be able to see a more accurate picture of the colour after it has had time to harden. Then, if needed, add more dye. UV stabiliser can now be included if you so desire. If the candles are exposed to UV or fluorescent lights, the UV stabiliser will assist prevent colour fading. Make sure to slowly and completely fill the moulds with wax. You could get bubbles if you pour too soon.

Step 10: After the wax has completely cooled, unmold the candles.

You must fill the votive mould with wax on the second pour so that the wax level is just above the edge of the mould. Allow the candles to finish cooling. Wax may leak over the sides of the mould if you attempt to remove them before they have hardened.

You can now take the candles out of the moulds once they have fully set. When completely cooled, they ought to be simple to take from the mould by pulling on the wick pin or wick. To help the wax release from the mould if you are having difficulties removing them, place them in the freezer for about 5 minutes.

Happy candling with ScentDNA!

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4 Wick Testing Tricks

4 Wick Testing Tricks

Effective wick testing is essential for making fantastic candles.

The primary disadvantage of testing candles is the length of time required, which lengthens the feedback loop of the central query:

Is your wick the right size to ensure a safe and effective burn for your candle?

Every candle producer aspires to fulfil these requirements, with safety occupying the top spot. Use the next four tips to speed up your wick testing so that you can remain organised, accurate, within your temperature tolerances, and flexible when necessary.

Use an identification system: Tip #1

Without some type of identifying system, no proper record keeping system is complete. For inventory management, retail establishments employ an SKU, but if you produce candles, you need a way to link your results to your records.

Using a reliable candle identification system, you should be able to:

Keep a record of the temperatures at which a particular candle was melted, added, poured, and cured.

Remember the outcome of the wick test for that particular candle. Relate every item in your stock to your design and testing notes. These IDs enable you to follow the development of any candle design, or the "recipe" for that candle, from conception to final disposal. more precisely, from the research and development stage until the burn cycle's conclusion.

In actuality, this entails maintaining a database of some kind, which can be informal if that's how you work, with all the data on a candle being linked to one or more ID numbers.

DDB ID (Date-Design-Batch) The date-batch identification system essentially involves giving each distinct design or batch its own identifier.

Then take into account the BATCH for that design, where you would record details regarding what transpires when the design is applied, such as:

Room humidity and temperature Wax temperature maximum oil adding fragrance temperature Scent and wax weights vapour pressure Information about wax (supplier, lot number, etc.) Information on the fragrance (type, supplier)

A hotter candle system is often caused by faster fuel combustion. Occasionally, adding a second measure to the wick testing process can help you identify systems that are burning too hot or too cool.

To determine how much wax your wicks ate, weigh the entire candle, including the container (if there is one), before and after each test.

Third tip: Measure the Temperature of the Melt Pool Melt pool temperature is one of many parameters that must be monitored during wick testing because they all affect how well the candle performs.

How well your wick matches the wax blend's aroma note profile will greatly influence how hot your throw will be. It also needs sufficient air flow in the space, but that's not crucial at this point.

You might be tempted to throw away your design and start over if it fails a safety test or doesn't smell as strong (or as delicious) as you would like.

This interruption can definitely set you back if you typically cure for several weeks. Fortunately, you don't have to pour a brand-new candle; you can simply replace the wick.

Save a tonne of time by reading this post with a video on how to replace your wick! When things go wrong during wick testing, it's not always necessary to make new candles. You can significantly minimise your feedback loop if you have an apple corer and some guts.

One final point: if you replace the wicks in a candle during the course of its lifetime, you generally shouldn't.

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Find Your Signature Scent

Find Your Signature Scent

It might be difficult to choose a distinctive  Signature Scent, especially with so many alternatives available.

While there are many possibilities, streamlining your routine for a more focused, minimalistic fragrance wardrobe can be a comfort. We can therefore be of assistance if you like to have one or two trademark smells that you'll reach for repeatedly rather than playing fragrance roulette every day and are having trouble choosing a perfume that feels just right.

For expert advice on how to identify your characteristic perfume, continue reading.

  1. Start with the families of fragrances. According to David Moltz, co-founder of D.S. & Durga, "understanding the families is just like understanding music genres."

"When you listen to something, you want to know the difference between hip-hop and baroque — it's nice to know what is floral, fresh, woody, etc."

Although some perfumes straddle multiple fragrance families, being aware of the notes you prefer will help you swiftly focus your search for a trademark  Signature Scent.

Fresh perfumes are frequently lemony and lighter, while floral scents are typically more feminine and mature. Spicy  Signature Scent are typically warmer and sultrier.

2. Take trends into account, but approach with caution.

A few years ago, palo santo experienced a major renaissance, while green tea is just now starting to appear in modern findings. Take into account the fact that trends in fragrances are cyclical, just like those in fashion.

"Trends are a helpful cue to what is going on, but like anything else as you learn what you like, you learn to trust your own instincts," adds Moltz.

3. Give it some time.

Because each person's skin chemistry is distinct, each person's response to a given fragrance may differ from how it smells on a sampler paper.

The founder of ELLIS Brooklyn, Bee Shapiro, advises using a sampler or travel-sized bottle and wearing the scent for about a week before buying a full-sized bottle because our chemistry might vary throughout the day.

4.Think about the emotions you want your distinctive smell to evoke.

Do you intend to sound playful? Do you desire a sexy sensation? Think about this while you alternate between the leather accord and peony fragrances to get the perfect one.

According to Shapiro, "It should make them into their ideal selves, this sense of recognition with a drop of aspiration." "When you apply the fragrance, it should feel like both who you are and who you want to be, not just who you are."

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How to make Soy Tealight Candles

How to make Soy Tealight Candles

Discover how simple it is to manufacture soy tealights! Tealight candles are an excellent place to start if you've never made candles before. They offer a charming, flickering atmosphere to any area or special occasion, are simple, and can be colored or fragranced for any season.

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Make a Scented Candle in a Glass

Make a Scented Candle in a Glass

Making scented candles in glass containers can be a delightful and creative activity. If you're ready to embark on this aromatic journey, here's a concise and to-the-point guide to help you create your own scented candle masterpiece.

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Candle Making Kit - 2023

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Starting Your Own Candle Business

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Starting Your Own Candle Business :

Are you passionate about candles and dream of turning your hobby into a thriving business?

Look no further! We've got your back!

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Make Your Own Whipped Vanilla Shea Butter At Home

Make Your Own Whipped Vanilla Shea Butter At Home

Vanilla is the most popular fragrance oil, which has a long history of use for its soothing properties. It has been used for centuries in aromatherapy, and it's one of the most versatile oils you can use.

The scent helps fight colds by boosting your immune system. The natural antioxidants found in vanilla beans may help prevent infection by destroying harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause illness and disease. 

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Lavender Shea Butter

Make Your Own Whipped Lavender Shea Butter At Home

Lavender is the most popular fragrance oil, which has a long history of use for its soothing properties.

It has been used for centuries in aromatherapy, and it's one of the most versatile oils you can use.

Lavender is known to help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as to promote restful sleep. Take a quick look at how easy it is to get silky smooth and soft skin with this homemade Lavender shea body butter recipe! 

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Make Your Own Whipped Jasmine Shea Butter At Home

Make Your Own Whipped Jasmine Shea Butter At Home

Shea butter is a popular ingredient in skin care products. It's rich in vitamins A, E, and fatty acids that help moisturize, soften and protect your skin. Take a quick look at how easy it is to get silky smooth and soft skin with this homemade shea body butter recipe with JASMINE! 
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 Rose Shea Butter

Make Your Own Whipped Rose Shea Butter At Home

Rose is the most popular fragrance oil, which has a long history of use for its soothing properties. It has been used for centuries in aromatherapy, and it's one of the most versatile oils you can use.


Take a quick look at how easy it is to get silky smooth and soft skin with this homemade shea body butter recipe! 

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